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Wojciech Szpankowski is the Saul Rosen Distinguished Professor of Computer Science at Purdue University where he teaches and conducts research in analysis of algorithms, information theory, analytic combinatorics, random structures, and machine learning for classical and quantum data. He held several Visiting Professor/Scholar positions, including McGill University, INRIA, Stanford, Hewlett-Packard Labs, Universite de Versailles, University of Canterbury, New Zealand, Ecole Polytechnique, France, the Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK, ETH, Zurich, Hawaii University, Gdansk University of Technology, and Jagellonian University, Cracow, Poland. 

He is a Fellow of IEEE, and the Erskine Fellow.  In 2010 he received the Humboldt Research Award and in 2015 the Inaugural Arden L. Bement Jr. Award. In 2020 he was the recipient of the Flajolet Lecture Prize. In 2021 he was elected to the Academia Europaea. He published two books: "Average Case Analysis of Algorithms on Sequences", John Wiley & Sons, 2001, and "Analytic Pattern Matching: From DNA to Twitter", Cambridge, 2015.  He is finishing now with M. Drmota his third book for Cambridge "Analytic Information Theory: From Compression to Learning". In 2008 he launched the interdisciplinary Institute for Science of Information, and in 2010 he became the Director of the NSF Science and Technology Center for Science of Information.