/* File: dispalay.h by: Tep Dobry date: 27 Nov 93 */ extern int REALLY_RANDOM; void init_ocean(void); /* This function is given and returns nothing. It initializes the display showing the ocean and torpedo count and score headings. */ void show_boat(int latitude, int longitude); /* This funtion is given the latitude and longitude of the sumbarine and returns nothing. It displays the submarine on the ocean. */ void show_explosion(int latitude, int longitude); /* This funtion is given the latitude and longitude of a hit on a Phis and returns nothing. It displays a permanent explosion on the ocean. */ void show_miss(int latitude, int longitude); /* This funtion is given the latitude and longitude of a torpedo miss and returns nothing. It displays a permanent miss on the ocean. */ void show_ship(char ship_type, int latitude, int longitude); /* This function is given a character corresponding to a Phis type ('T', 'F', or 'C'), and the longitude and latitude and returns nothing. It shows a cell of that Phis type on the ocean. It should be used at the end of the game to show the position of all Phis' on the board. */ void update_torpedo(int how_many); /* This function is given an integer representing the number of torpedos remaining and returns nothing. It updates the torpedo count on the screen. */ void update_score(int score); /* This function is given an integer representing the current score of the game and returns nothing. It updates the score on the screen. */ void write_message(char *s); /* This function is given a string and writes it to the bottom of the screen. Only the first 17 characters are displayed. It returns nothing. */ void clear_screen(void); /* This function is given and returns nothing. It clears the screen and shuts down the display. It should be used at the end of the program. */