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Looping Construct

How do we translate this looping construct to C?

We use a while statement

Essential elements of a loop:

There are four essential elements to every loop:
Condition initialization
the condition determining if the loop iterates must be initialized before the first test.
Condition test
the condition is tested to see if the body of the loop is to be executed.
Loop body
the steps to be executed, which MUST include
Condition update
a statement which modifies the condition such that at some time it will become false.
For example:
        i = 0;                /* loop initialization  */
        while( i < 100 )      /* loop test            */
             i = i + 1;       /* loop body and update */
For the stock program, the loop condition is:
        while there are more stocks to proccess

How do we tell if there are more stocks?

We will look at three ways:
Count the stocks
Use a special data value
Use End of File

[up] to Overview.
